InetReceiveStart event (ILEADRasterInet)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example



void InetReceiveStart (short iComputer, long lSize);


Refer to Implementing Internet Functionality.


Generated when a computer is about to start receiving data from a remote computer.

This event is generated in response to a remote computer calling the InetSendData, InetSendBitmap, InetSendSound or InetSendDIB methods.

The data will be received in the InetReceiveData event.

Before you can receive data from a remote computer, you must have an open connection.

You can open a connection in two ways:

1) Setup the local computer as a server and listen for connections using the InetServerInit method. When connection requests are received, open the connection using the InetAcceptConnect method.

2) Connect to an existing server using the InetConnect method.

Events occur in this order:

- InetReceiveStart is generated once.

- InetReceiving is generated for each chunk, if InetSendData was used by the remote computer.

- InetReceiveBitmap, InetReceiveSound, or InetReceiveData is generated when all data has been received.

If an error occurs during downloading, an InetError event is generated.

See Also


InetServerInit method, InetConnect method, InetAcceptConnect method, InetAccept event, InetSendBitmap method, InetSendDIB method, InetSendData method, InetSendSound method, InetReceiveData event, InetReceiveBitmap event, InetError event


Working with Internet Functionality: Sending and Receiving Data