InetSending event (ILEADRasterInet)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example



void InetSending (short iComputer, long lSize);


Refer to Implementing Internet Functionality.


This event is generated as data is moved out of an internal queue and sent to iComputer.

It is possible for InetSendData, InetSendDIB, InetSendSound and InetSendBitmap to return before all data is actually sent to the remote computer. Any data that isn't immediately sent, will be queued to send later. This event informs you when data is taken from the queue and sent to the remote computer.

When all data has been sent, the InetDataSent event will be generated.

See Also


InetSendBitmap method, InetSendDIB method, InetSendData method, InetSendSound method, InetDataSent event


Working with Internet Functionality: Sending and Receiving Data