InetReceiveCmd2 Example for Visual Basic

' my user defined commands

Private Function ProcessFlipCommand(ByVal nID&) As Integer
   MsgBox "Flip"
   ProcessFlipCommand = 0
End Function

Private Sub LEADNet1_InetReceiveCmd2(ByVal iComputer As Integer, ByVal InetCommand As Integer, ByVal nCommandID As Long, ByVal nError As Integer, ByVal Params As LEADRasterInetLib.ILEADRasterInetPacket, ByVal nExtraDataSize As Long, ByVal ExtraData As Variant)

   Dim szOut$
   Dim nRet As Integer
   Dim nStatus As Integer
   Dim i As Integer
   Dim pszData As String


   szOut$ = "Command " & CStr(InetCommand) & " id=" & CStr(nCommandID) & ", nError=" & CStr(nError) & " nParams=" & CStr(Params.ParamCount) & " received"
   If (nExtraDataSize > 0) Then
      szOut$ = szOut$ & ", nExtraDataSize=" & CStr(nExtraDataSize)
   End If
   Debug.Print (szOut$)
   If (nExtraDataSize > 0) Then
      ' convert to a string
      For i = 0 To nExtraDataSize - 1
         pszData = pszData + Chr(ExtraData(i))
      Debug.Print "ExtraData: " & pszData
   End If

   If (nError <> 0) Then
      Select Case InetCommand
         Case INETCMD_FLIP:
            If ((Params.ParamCount = 1) And (Params.ParamType(0) = PARAM_TYPE_UINT32)) Then
               'Note: This is a function you have to create
               nStatus = ProcessFlipCommand(CLng(Params.ParamValue(0)))
               nStatus = ERROR_INV_PARAMETER
            End If
         End Select
   End If
   'return an error response
   LEADNet1.InetSendRsp2 InetCommand, nCommandID, Nothing, 0, Null, nStatus
End Sub