InetSendGetMagGlassDataCmd2 Example for Visual Basic

Public gnCommandID As Long

'… Assume that the following function will be called from inside the MagGlassExt event that
' belongs to LEAD RasterView control
Public Function GetMagGlassData(nBitmapID As Long, vMaskPlane As Variant, nMaskPlaneStart As Integer, nMaskPlaneEnd As Integer)

   Dim nRet As Integer

   gnCommandID = gnCommandID + 1

   nRet = LEADNet1.InetSendGetMagGlassDataCmd2(gnCommandID, nBitmapID, CVar(vMaskPlane), nMaskPlaneStart, nMaskPlaneEnd)
   If ((nRet <> 0) And (nRet <> ERROR_DATA_QUEUED)) Then
      MsgBox "ERROR " & CStr(nRet) & " calling InetSendGetMagGlassDataCmd2."
      MsgBox "InetSendGetMagGlassDataCmd2 Executed."
   End If

End Function