InetSendLoadRsp2 Example for Visual Basic

Private Sub LEADNet1_InetReceiveCmd2(ByVal iComputer As Integer, ByVal InetCommand As Integer, ByVal nCommandID As Long, ByVal nError As Integer, ByVal Params As LEADRasterInetLib.ILEADRasterInetPacket, ByVal nExtraDataSize As Long, ByVal ExtraData As Variant)
   Dim nRet As Integer
   Dim nStatus As Integer
   Dim szOut$
   Dim i As Integer
   Dim pszData As String


   szOut$ = "Command " & CStr(InetCommand) & " id=" & CStr(nCommandID) & ", nError=" & CStr(nError) & " nParams=" & CStr(Params.ParamCount) & " received"
   If (nExtraDataSize > 0) Then
      szOut$ = szOut$ & ", nExtraDataSize=" & CStr(nExtraDataSize)
   End If
   Debug.Print (szOut$)
   If (nExtraDataSize > 0) Then
      ' convert to a string
      For i = 0 To nExtraDataSize - 1
         pszData = pszData + Chr(ExtraData(i))
      Debug.Print "ExtraData: " & pszData
   End If

   If (nError <> 0) Then
      Select Case InetCommand
         Case INETCMD_LOAD
            ' check the validity of the parameters
            If ((Params.ParamCount = 4) And (Params.ParamType(0) = PARAM_TYPE_STRING) And (Params.ParamType(1) = PARAM_TYPE_INT32) And (Params.ParamType(2) = PARAM_TYPE_INT32) And (Params.ParamType(3) = PARAM_TYPE_UINT32)) Then
               'Note, this is a function you must create
               nStatus = ProcessLoadCommand(Params.ParamValue(0))
               Debug.Print "Received LoadBitmapCmd - Loaded Bitmap " & Params.ParamValue(0)
               LEADNet1.InetSendLoadRsp2 nCommandID, gnBitmapID, 0, Null, nStatus
               Exit Sub
            End If

            ' check the validity of the parameters
            If ((Params.ParamCount = 8) And (Params.ParamType(0) = PARAM_TYPE_STRING) And (Params.ParamType(1) = PARAM_TYPE_STRING) _
And (Params.ParamType(2) = PARAM_TYPE_UINT32) And (Params.ParamType(3) = PARAM_TYPE_INT32) And (Params.ParamType(4) = PARAM_TYPE_INT32) _
And (Params.ParamType(5) = PARAM_TYPE_INT32) And (Params.ParamType(6) = PARAM_TYPE_INT32) And (Params.ParamType(7) = PARAM_TYPE_UINT32)) Then
               'Note, this is a function you must create
               nRet = ProcessCreateWinCommand(Params.ParamValue(1), _
Params.ParamValue(3), _
Params.ParamValue(4), _
Params.ParamValue(5), _
Params.ParamValue(6), True)
               nRet = LEADNet1.InetSendCreateWinRsp2(nCommandID, nRet, 0, Null, 0)
               Exit Sub
            End If
            If ((Params.ParamCount = 2) And (Params.ParamType(0) = PARAM_TYPE_UINT32) And (Params.ParamType(1) = PARAM_TYPE_UINT32)) Then
               'Note, this is a function you must create
               nStatus = ProcessAttachBitmapCommand(CLng(Params.ParamValue(0)))
               nStatus = ERROR_INV_PARAMETER
            End If
            LEADNet1.InetSendAttachBitmapRsp2 nCommandID, 0, Null, nStatus
            Exit Sub
         Case INETCMD_SAVE
            If ((Params.ParamCount = 6) And (Params.ParamType(0) = PARAM_TYPE_STRING) And (Params.ParamType(1) = PARAM_TYPE_UINT32) _
And (Params.ParamType(2) = PARAM_TYPE_INT32) And (Params.ParamType(3) = PARAM_TYPE_INT32) _
And (Params.ParamType(4) = PARAM_TYPE_INT32) And (Params.ParamType(5) = PARAM_TYPE_UINT32)) Then
               'Note, this is a function you must create
               nStatus = ProcessSaveCommand(Params.ParamValue(0), Params.ParamValue(2), Params.ParamValue(3), Params.ParamValue(4))
               LEADNet1.InetSendSaveRsp2 nCommandID, 0, Null, nStatus
               Exit Sub
               nStatus = ERROR_INV_PARAMETER
            End If
      End Select
   End If
   'return an error response
   LEADNet1.InetSendRsp2 InetCommand, nCommandID, Nothing, 0, Null, nStatus
End Sub