InetSendSound2 Example for C++ 5.0 and later
// This example uses LEAD Capture control to capture audio
from the microphone and uses the LEAD //Internet Control to send it to
a remote computer. For an example of starting and stopping recording
//refer to the LEAD Capture control documentation.
void CNetDlg::OnCapAudioDataLeadcapctrl(const VARIANT FAR& pData, long
lBytesRecorded, short iIndex)
// send sound to remote computer (items in SendList property)
// you should be connected to a remote computer first
by using the
// InetConnect method of the Internet COM
var = m_LEADCap1.GetCapWaveExtraData(iIndex);
(iIndex), m_LEADCap1.GetCapWaveChannels (iIndex),
m_LEADCap1.GetCapWaveSamplesPerSec (iIndex), m_LEADCap1.GetCapWaveAvgBytesPerSec
(iIndex), m_LEADCap1.GetCapWaveBlockAlign (iIndex), m_LEADCap1.GetCapWaveBitsPerSample
(iIndex), (short)m_LEADCap1.GetCapWaveExtraSize (iIndex), &var, (VARIANT
*)&pData, lBytesRecorded);