Receiving and Displaying Images from a Remote Computer (Visual C++ 5.0 and later)
Take the following steps to add some code that will let you receive and display images received from a computer acting as a server.
1. |
Run the exe you created in Sending Images to a Remote Computer. |
2. |
Start Visual C++. |
3. |
Start with the project you created in Connecting to a Remote Computer. |
4. |
Add the LEAD RasterView Control to your main window as follows: |
For C++ 5.0: |
a. |
In the Project Workspace, click the ResourceView tab. |
b. |
Double-click the remote resources folder to open it. |
c. |
Double-click the Dialog folder to open it. |
d. |
Double-click IDD_REMOTE_DIALOG to design the dialog box. |
e. |
From the main menu, select Project > Add To Project > Components and controls. |
f. |
Select Registered ActiveX controls. |
g. |
Double-click the LEAD RasterView Control (14.0) icon. (The Confirm Classes dialog box appears.) |
h. |
Ensure that CLEADRasterView, CLEADRaster and CPicture are checked. |
i. |
Click OK to complete the selection; then click Close to close the Component Gallery. (The LEAD RasterView Control appears in the controls toolbar.) |
j. |
Click the LEAD RasterView Control icon; then size and position the control as you want it to appear at run time. |
k. |
Use the right mouse button to edit the properties of the new LEAD RasterView Control. |
l. |
5. |
Add some #include statements to your program: |
a. |
In the Project Workspace, click the FileView tab. |
b. |
Double-click the remote files folder to open it. |
c. |
Double-click the Header Files folder to open it. |
d. |
Double-click the StdAfx.h file to edit it. |
e. |
Add the following lines to the end of the file, just after the #import statments: |
#include "LEADRasterView.h"
#include "LEADRaster.h"
6. |
Do the following to add m_LEADRasterView1 to the CServerDlg class and link the variable to the LEAD RasterView Control using dynamic data exchange: |
a. |
Press Ctrl-W. (The MFC ClassWizard dialog box appears.) |
b. |
Click the Member Variables tab. |
c. |
In the Class Name box, select CRemoteDlg. |
d. |
In the Control IDs list, select IDC_LEADRASTERVIEW1. |
e. |
Click the Add Variable... button. |
f. |
Specify m_LEADRasterView1 as the variable name, and control as the category. |
g. |
Click OK to close the dialog box and click OK to close the MFC ClassWizard. |
7. |
Edit the header for the Sink class: |
a. |
In the Project Workspace, click the FileView tab. |
b. |
Double-click the remote files folder to open it. |
c. |
Double-click the Header Files folder to open it. |
d. |
Double-click the RasterInetSink.h file to edit it. |
e. |
Add the following just before //}}AFX_MSG: |
afx_msg void OnInetReceiveBitmap(short, long); |
8. |
Edit the source for the Sink class: |
a. |
In the Project Workspace, click the FileView tab. |
b. |
Double-click the remote files folder to open it. |
c. |
Double-click the Source Files folder. |
d. |
Double-click the RasterInetSink.cpp file to edit it. |
e. |
Add the following to the DISPATCH_MAP: |
DISP_FUNCTION_ID(CRasterInetSink,"InetReceiveBitmap",1,OnInetReceiveBitmap,VT_EMPTY,VTS_I2 VTS_I4)
f. |
Add the following to the end of the file: |
void CRasterInetSink::OnInetReceiveBitmap(short iComputer,
long hBitmap)
//assign bitmap to LEAD RasterView control
/* Are there any messages in the queue? */
MSG msg;
while(PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
/* Translate virtual key codes */
/* Dispatches message to window. */
9. |
On the main menu, select Build> Build remote.exe to build the project. |
10. |
On the main menu, select Build> Execute remote.exe to run the project. |