typedef struct tagLEADBITMAPPRINT
   L_UINT uStructSize; 
   HDC hDC;
   L_INT nXPos;
   L_INT nYPos;
   L_INT nXSize;
   L_INT nYSize;
   L_BOOL fEndDoc;

The LEADBITMAPPRINT structure provides information in the L_BM_PRINT message.




Size of this structure in bytes, for versioning. Use the sizeof() macro to calculate this value.


Handle to the device context (DC) where the bitmap is to print. The mapping mode of the device context must be MM_TEXT.


X position to start the print. Pass a 0 to center the image horizontally on the page.


Y position to start the print. Pass a 0 to center the image vertically on the page.


The printed width. The value is in dots, and the actual width depends on the dots per inch (DPI) of the printer.


Pass a 0 to let LEADTOOLS calculate the width. If you specify only the width or only the height, LEADTOOLS calculates the remaining dimension. If you pass zeros for both width and height, LEADTOOLS calculates the maximum dimensions that fit on the page while preserving the aspect ratio.


The printed height. The value is in dots, and the actual height depends on the dots per inch (DPI) of the printer.


Pass a 0 to let LEADTOOLS calculate the height. If you specify only the width or only the height, LEADTOOLS calculates the remaining dimension. If you pass zeros for both width and height, LEADTOOLS calculates the maximum dimensions that fit on the page while preserving the aspect ratio.


This is used to let LEADTOOLS know whether you plan to print another image on the same page or not.


pLEADBITMAPPRINT is a pointer to a LEADBITMAPPRINT structure. Where the message parameter type is pLEADBITMAPPRINT, you can declare a LEADBITMAPPRINT variable, update the structure's fields, and pass the variable's address in the parameter. Declaring a pLEADBITMAPPRINT variable is necessary only if your program requires a pointer.