
#include "l_bitmap.h"

L_INT EXT_FUNCTION L_SetSaveResolution(uCount, pResolutions)

L_UINT uCount;

/* number of resolutions to be saved in a file */

pDIMENSION pResolutions;

/* pointer to the array which holds the resolutions to be saved */

Sets resolutions for the next save operation.




Specifies the number of resolutions to be saved in a file. Or, specify 0 to save only the actual size of the image as a single dimension in the file.


Pointer to the array of DIMENSION structures which hold the resolutions to be saved.



The function was successful.

< 1

An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


Currently, this function only works with the JBIG format.

A JBIG, FlashPix or PhotoCD file can contain more than one copy of the same image, each at a different physical resolution (width and height in pixels).

For JBIG files, uCount refers to the number of resolution layers to be saved in the file. The maximum number of resolutions that can be saved is 29.

For a JBIG file, the values of different resolutions are implied because the dimensions of each resolution layer are half the dimensions of the one directly above it.

pResolutions[0] is used to determine the highest resolution layer which will be saved in a file. You can fill pResolutions[0] with an actual width and height, or you can fill either the width or height with a valid value, and specify 0 for the other dimension to allow LEADTOOLS to calculate that dimension based on the image's aspect ratio during the next save operation. Note that for JBIG, all the values set in pResolutions are stored, but only pResolutions[0] is used during an actual file save process.


uCount = 3
pResolution[0].nWidth = 800
pResolution[0].nHeight = 0

If you then save an image that is 1600 x 1200, the resolutions that are stored in the file would be:

800 x 600

400 x 300

200 x 150

Required DLLs and Libraries

File format DLLs

For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.


Windows 95 / 98 / Me, Windows 2000 / XP, Windows CE.

See Also


L_GetSaveResolution, L_ReadLoadResolutions, L_SetLoadResolution, L_GetLoadResolution
For Vector files: L_2DGetViewMode, L_2DSetViewMode, L_2DGetViewPort, L_2DSetViewPort


Raster Image Functions: Saving Files


Raster Image Functions: Getting and Setting File Information


Implementing JBIG Features


/* This example saves the same image in three different 
   resolutions and in three different files*/
void TestSave(L_TCHAR L_FAR * pszFilename,pBITMAPHANDLE pLeadBitmap)
   DIMENSION Resolutions;/* Dimension structure */
   L_TCHAR szName[256];/*File Name sting*/ 
   /*default case,save only one resolution layer.*/ 
   L_SetSaveResolution (0, &Resolutions);
   wsprintf(szName, TEXT("1_%s"),pszFilename);
   L_SaveBitmap(szName,pLeadBitmap,FILE_JBIG,1,0, NULL);
  /*save 2 resolution layers,the highest resolution
   layer holds the image at full dimensions because
   Resolutions.nWidth is equal to the FULL WIDTH
   of the original image*/
   Resolutions.nWidth= BITMAPWIDTH(pLeadBitmap);
   wsprintf(szName, TEXT("2_%s"),pszFilename);
   L_SetSaveResolution (2, &Resolutions);
   L_SaveBitmap(szName,pLeadBitmap,FILE_JBIG,1,0, NULL);
  /*save 3  resolution layers,the highest 
    resolution layer holds the image at half
    the full image dimensions becuase Resolutions.nHeight
    is equal to HALF THE FULL HEIGHT of the original image.*/
   Resolutions.nWidth= 0;
   wsprintf(szName, TEXT("3_%s"),pszFilename);
   L_SetSaveResolution (3, &Resolutions);
   L_SaveBitmap(szName,pLeadBitmap,FILE_JBIG,1,0, NULL);