typedef struct tagSMOOTH

   L_UINT uStructSize;
   L_INT32 iSize;
   L_UINT32 uFlags;
   L_INT32 iLength;
   pBITMAPHANDLE pBitmapRegion;
   L_UINT uBitmapStructSize;
   HRGN hRgn;

The SMOOTH structure provides smoothing information for the LBitmap::Smooth function.




Size of this structure in bytes. Use the sizeof() macro to calculate this value.


Flags that determine the behavior of the smoothing process. Flags may be combined using a bitwise OR (|). Possible values are:







For each bump or nick encountered by LBitmap::Smooth, if the LBitmap::SmoothCallback member function returns SUCCESS_REMOVE, the removed bump or nick is added to an internal single region. If the callback member function returns SUCCESS_NOREMOVE, the bump or nick is not added to the single region. When LBitmap::Smooth returns, either pBitmapRegion or hRgn will reference a region that contains all the removed bumps or nicks. If SMOOTH_LEAD_REGION is also set, pBitmapRegion will be updated with a shallow copy of pBitmap that has a LEAD region that contains all the removed bumps or nicks. If SMOOTH_LEAD_REGION is not set, hRgn is updated with a Windows region that contains all the removed nicks or bumps. When the region (either LEAD or Windows) is no longer needed, it must be destroyed.



When LBitmap::Smooth returns, pBitmapRegion is updated with a shallow copy of pBitmap that also contains a region with all the removed bumps or nicks. This flag must be used in conjunction with SMOOTH_SINGLE_REGION. To use this flag declare a variable of type BITMAPHANDLE and point pBitmapRegion to this variable. Then set uFlags to SMOOTH_SINGLE_REGION | SMOOTH_LEAD_REGION. This variable will be updated when LBitmap::Smooth returns.



The original image is unchanged.



Processes long bumps or nicks before short bumps or nicks. If this flag is not passed, short is favored over long. For example:



Smooth the following image with iLength == 3



X X 






Favoring short would remove the two "bumps" giving:






Favoring long would fill in the "gap" giving:









Length of the bump (or nick) to remove (or fill). All bumps and nicks less than or equal to this size are processed. This value is in pixels.


Pointer to a variable of type BITMAPHANDLE. If SMOOTH_SINGLE_REGION | SMOOTH_LEAD_REGION have been set in uFlags, then when LBitmap::Smooth returns, this is updated with a shallow copy of pBitmap that also has a region that contains the removed bumps and nicks. To use this, declare a variable of type BITMAPHANDLE and point pBitmapRegion to this variable. Set uFlags to (SMOOTH_SINGLE_REGION | SMOOTH_LEAD_REGION). It is the programmer's responsibility to free the region using LBitmapRgn::Free() when it is no longer needed.


Size of the structure pointed to by pBitmapRegion. Use sizeof(BITMAPHANDLE).


Handle to a windows region. When LBitmap::Smooth returns this is updated with a single windows region corresponding to all changes, only if SMOOTH_SINGLE_REGION has been set in uFlags and SMOOTH_LEAD_REGION has not been set. To use this, set the flags field to (SMOOTH_SINGLE_REGION). It is the programmer's responsibility to delete this region using the windows API DeleteObject() when the region is no longer needed.