Rich Text Tool
Note: This topic is for Document/Medical only.
The Rich Text annotation object is a rectangle containing containing text that supports Rich Text Format (RTF).
In design mode, click and drag to specify the rectangle in the current window. Holding down the Shift key while drawing the rectangle will make the text annotation square. A dialog box then lets the user enter the text. A menu also appears to allow further formatting of text. Formatting support includes:
Font size
Foreground Color
Background Color
As soon as the Text object is created, the text will be highlighted. The text may be edited immediately. While in design mode double-click on a text object to edit the text. This can be achieved programmatically by calling the LAnnotation::TextEdit function.
In design mode, click on the object with the right mouse button to do the following:
Undo the last user action.
Cut or copy the object to the clipboard.
Delete the object.
Select all objects.
Bring the object to the front or send it
to the back.
Lock and unlock annotation objects. See Password Dialog Box for Annotations.
Change the Name properties. See Name Dialog Box for Annotations.
Change the foreground color. See Color Dialog Box for Annotations.
Change the fixed properties. See Fixed Dialog Box for Annotations.
Set and manage hyperlink properties for an
object or group of objects. Note:
The actual management of a hyperlink must be done through low-level implementation.
Only the Menu Item "Hyperlink" and an associated event are provided
through the automation object. For more information, refer to Implementing Annotation Hyperlinks.
For information on flipping, reversing or rotating annotation objects, refer to Flipping, Reversing and Rotating Annotation Objects.
For low-level implementation details, refer to Rich Text Annotation Object.