

The LBitmapWindow class is derived from LBitmap, and extends it by adding full user interface (UI) functionality. You can consider this class as a full windowed control that is capable of displaying bitmaps. The LBitmapWindow class provides the following functionality:

image\sqrblit.gif Bitmap Displaying

image\sqrblit.gif Scrolling (which can be enabled or disabled)

image\sqrblit.gif Palette handling

image\sqrblit.gif Region drawing & floater bitmap

image\sqrblit.gif Zooming

image\sqrblit.gif Pan Window

image\sqrblit.gif Keyboard handling

image\sqrblit.gif Various UI tools including pan image, zoom in/out on mouse click, drawing zoom rects, and drawing regions of interest

image\sqrblit.gif Painting while loading of a bitmap from file

image\sqrblit.gif Paint effects, transitions, gradients, and patterns

image\sqrblit.gif Windows Drag/Drop operations for loading files

Using command notification messages, the LBitmapWindow object can be used in a manner similar to standard Windows controls for dialogs. By overriding the virtual functions provided by LBitmapWindow, you can use LBitmapWindow objects as a regular window, which handles most messages for you. For more information on the two ways in which LBitmapWindow objects can be used, refer to Using LBitmapWindow as a Window, Using LBitmapWindow as a Control, and LBitmapWindow:Window vs Control.

The LBitmapWindow control handles processing the mouse messages automatically when the internal tool type is not TOOL_USERMODE.

Double clicking the floater of an LBitmapWindow object will cause the floater to be pasted in its place and reactivated again for additional drag operations, while clicking beside the floater will cause the floater to be pasted and then freed.

Some inherited functions will work only on an LBitmapWindow object's floater (if a one exists). These functions do not affect the main displayed bitmap. For a list of these functions, refer to LBitmapWindow Inherited Floater Functions.

Certain keys are handled by the LBitmapWindow object when the bitmap window control has the focus. For a list of these keys and the associated action, refer to LBitmapWindow Keys.

Required Libraries

You must load all required libraries using LBase::LoadLibraries before using the classes.


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.

For a listing of the exact LTDLGXXX DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Common Dialog Files To Be Included With Your Application.

See Also

Class Members, Class Hierarchy Chart, Derived Classes, Parent class