LEADTOOLS Class Library Help
    Introduction to LEADTOOLS Class Library
    Version History
    Copyright notice
    Introduction and Overview
    Known Problems
    Programming with LEADTOOLS
       Getting Started
          Programming with LEADTOOLS
          Getting Started with the LEADTOOLS Class Library
          Considering Development Systems
          Using LEADTOOLS with Your C/C++ Compiler
          Unlocking Special LEAD Features
          Unlocking Vector File Format Support
          Memory Storage Types for Bitmaps
          Using Callback Functions
          Using DIBs, DDBs, and the Clipboard
          Getting or Setting Bitmap Information
          Using Global and Local Settings for Bitmap Objects
          Wrapper Macros
          Bitmap Class Map Macros
       Windows Versus Controls
       Loading and Saving Images
       Displaying an Image
       Scanning Images
       Processing an Image
       Region Processing
    Redistributables/Files To Be Included With Your Application
    File Formats
    Quick Reference
    Call Back Functions
    Function References
    LEADTOOLS Licensing, Products, & Imaging