Using ODBC

The LEADTOOLS COM supports database access using Open Database Connectivity (ODBC). Before using any application (including LEADTOOLS examples) to access any database, you must first specify the ODBC data source as follows.


The LEADTOOLS COM requires ODBC drivers that can properly handle long binary fields. Examples have been tested and will work with version 3.0 of the Microsoft ODBC Desktop Driver Pack. (This driver pack ships with Access 95 and works on 32-bit systems.) You can download drivers from the CompuServe forum, or the Worldwide Web home page. The CompuServe forum is at GO LEADTECH. The web page is The file to download is ODBC32.ZIP.



Open the ODBC administrator and click the Add button.


Select the appropriate driver and click the OK button. (Use the Microsoft FoxPro driver for FoxPro, and use the Microsoft Access driver for Visual Basic, Visual C++, or Access 95.)


Enter a data source name and a description.


Click the Select directory button and select the directory containing the database you want to access.


Step out of the ODBC administrator by clicking the OK button on two forms then clicking the Close button.