Using OLE DB and ADO

The LEADTOOLS OLE DB COM supports database access though an OLE DB Provider. OLE DB allows users to have uniform access to data regardless of the database format. An OLE DB Provider is a COM object that exposes interfaces to consumers wanting to access data in a particular format. For example, there are OLE DB Providers for JET, SQL Server, Oracle, ODB drivers, Excel, and many other data sources. The LEADTOOLS OLE DB Control is a consumer for the data exposed by OLE DB Providers. Using the Microsoft ADO Data Control, you can connect to any of several OLE DB Providers. You specify the provider to which you wish to connect in the ADO Control's ConnectionString property. The ADO Control provides a user interface for selecting the OLE DB Provider, as well as setting other connection parameters. For more information, consult the Microsoft ADO Data Control documentation, or consult the "Using OLE DB Providers with ADO" section of the "Microsoft Data Access SDK" documentation.


During testing, the OLE DB Provider for JET 3.51 was found to not perform properly when attempting to save images > 64K. For this reason, saving > 64K has been disabled in the ActiveX when the provider is MSJTOR35.DLL, and the DataSaved event will be fired with an error code.


During testing we found that the ADO Data control will cache all records if you leave the MaxRecords property set to the default value of 0. If you leave this property at 0, all records will be retrieved from the database. For large databases, this may cause your application to slow down while the records are retrieved. Therefore, we recommend that you set the MaxRecords property to a value other than 0.