Create Bitmap, Size, and Combine example for C++ Builder

This example creates a bitmap for Raster2 (same size and BPS as LEADRasterView1.Raster) and fills it with green. It resizes the LEADRasterView1.Raster bitmap, and then uses a loop to do multiple combines with the Raster2 bitmap. It then copies the Raster2 bitmap to LEADRasterView1 and redisplays LEADRasterView1.

     float DstT;
   float DstL;
   float SrcL;
   float SrcT;
   float DstW;
   float DstH;
   float MyWidth;
   float MyHeight;
   int MyBPS;
   int ImageWidth;
   int ImageHeight;
   int TestWidth;
   int TestHeight;
   int VFactor;
   int VSpacing;
   int HFactor;
   int HSpacing;
     LEADRaster* pRaster2;
     CombineConstants MyOP;
   LEADRasterProcess* pRasterProc= NULL;

   Cursor= crHourGlass;
   CoCreateInstance(CLSID_LEADRaster, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_ILEADRaster, (void**)&pRaster2);
     CoCreateInstance(CLSID_LEADRasterProcess, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_ILEADRasterProcess, (void**)&pRasterProc);

   // Create the Raster2 bitmap->
   MyWidth = LEADRasterView1->Raster->BitmapWidth;
   MyHeight = LEADRasterView1->Raster->BitmapHeight;
   MyBPS = LEADRasterView1->Raster->BitmapBits;
   pRaster2->CreateBitmap (MyWidth, MyHeight, (short)MyBPS);
   pRasterProc->Fill (pRaster2, RGB(0, 255, 0)); // fill with green
   // Resize the LEADRasterView1 bitmap
   ImageWidth = MyWidth * 0.3;
   ImageHeight = MyHeight * 0.3;
   pRasterProc->Size (LEADRasterView1->Raster, ImageWidth, ImageHeight, RESIZE_RESAMPLE);
   // Initialize the variables used for multiple combines->
   TestWidth = MyWidth; // Used for horizontal positioning
   TestHeight = MyHeight; // Used for vertical positioning
   VFactor = (MyHeight / ImageHeight) + 1; // Number spaces between images
   VSpacing = ((int)MyHeight % ImageHeight) / VFactor; // Pixels between images
   HFactor = (MyWidth / ImageWidth) + 1; // Number spaces between images
   HSpacing = ((int)MyWidth % ImageWidth) / HFactor; // Pixels between images
   SrcL = 0; // Left coordinate of the source rectangle
   SrcT = 0; // Top coordinate of the source rectangle
   DstW = ImageWidth;  // Width of the destination rectangle
   DstH = ImageHeight; // Height of the destination rectangle
   MyOP = (CombineConstants)(CB_OP_ADD + CB_DST_0); // Operation flags used when combining images
   // Do the loop that does the multiple combines
   while (TestHeight > ImageHeight) // Vertical loop
      DstT = MyHeight - TestHeight + VSpacing;
       TestHeight = TestHeight - ImageHeight - VSpacing;
      while (TestWidth > ImageWidth) //Horizontal loop
         DstL = MyWidth - TestWidth + HSpacing;
           TestWidth = TestWidth - ImageWidth - HSpacing;
           pRasterProc->Combine (pRaster2, DstL, DstT, DstW, DstH, LEADRasterView1->Raster, SrcL, SrcT, MyOP);
       TestWidth = MyWidth;
   // Copy the Raster2 bitmap to LEADRasterView1
   LEADRasterView1->Raster->Bitmap = pRaster2->Bitmap ;
   //Set the image display size to match the LEADRasterView control
   LEADRasterView1->SetDstRect (0, 0, LEADRasterView1->ScaleWidth, LEADRasterView1->ScaleHeight);
   LEADRasterView1->SetDstClipRect (0, 0, LEADRasterView1->ScaleWidth, LEADRasterView1->ScaleHeight);
   LEADRasterView1->ForceRepaint (); // Repaint the image
   pRasterProc-> Release( );
   pRaster2-> Release( );

   Cursor= crDefault;