Drawing Simple Lines and Shapes (C++ Builder 4)

Take the following steps to add code that lets you draw a line, rectangle and ellipse on the bitmap.


Start with the project that you created in Loading and Displaying an Image.


On the Project pull-down menu, use the Import Type library… and select the LEAD 3D Raster DrawEffect Object Library (14.5), and Press Ok.


Add the following variable to Unit1.h private declarations section.

 LEADRasterFXD * pRasterFxd;


Add the following code to the end of the form's Create procedure.

//Create the RasterFxd Object
CoCreateInstance(CLSID_LEADRasterFXD, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_ILEADRasterFXD, (void**)&pRasterFxd); 


Code the Form’s Close event as the following:

void __fastcall TForm1::FormClose(TObject *Sender, TCloseAction &Action)
 if (pRasterFxd)


Add the following variables to Unit1.h private declarations section:

  int DrawObject; //the object we are drawing
float StartX;//Starting X position
float StartY;//Starting Y position
float EndX;//Ending X position
float EndY;//Ending Y position


Handle the LEADRasterView1 control's OnMouseDown2 event, and code LEADRasterView1MouseDown2 as follows.This code selects a different drawing object each time the event occurs.

void __fastcall TForm1::LEADRasterView1MouseDown2 (TObject *Sender,
short Button, short Shift, long x, long y)
 //Use the same scale mode as the mouse.
LEADRasterView1->ScaleMode = 1;
//Save the starting position.
 StartX = x;
 StartY = y;
 EndX = x;
 EndY = y;
 //Cycle through the types of drawing objects.

  case 0:
 DrawObject = 1 ;//Line

  case 1:
 DrawObject = 2 ;//Rectangle

  case 2:
 DrawObject = 0 ;//Ellipse
  DrawObject = 0;
 pRasterFxd->DstLeft = 0;
 pRasterFxd->DstTop = 0;
 pRasterFxd->DstRight = LEADRasterView1->Raster->BitmapWidth;
 pRasterFxd->DstBottom = LEADRasterView1->Raster->BitmapHeight;
 pRasterFxd->SrcLeft = 0;
 pRasterFxd->SrcTop = 0;
 pRasterFxd->SrcRight = LEADRasterView1->Raster->BitmapWidth;
 pRasterFxd->SrcBottom = LEADRasterView1->Raster->BitmapHeight;
 pRasterFxd->ScaleMode = 3;


Handle the LEADRasterView1 control's OnMouseMove2 event, and code LEADRasterView1MouseMove2 as follows. This code uses DRAWMODE_INVERT for the DrawMode, which means that pixel colors are inverted. Thus, the drawing methods can erase the previous object and draw a new one.

void __fastcall TForm1::LEADRasterView1MouseMove2 (TObject *Sender,
short Button, short Shift, long x, long y)
 //Declare local variables
 float OldEndX, OldEndY;
 float OldDrawX, OldDrawY, OldWidth, OldHeight;
 float DrawX, DrawY, NewWidth, NewHeight;

 if (Button == 1)
  //Set the drawing styles
  pRasterFxd->DrawPenStyle = DRAWPENSTYLE_SOLID;
  pRasterFxd->DrawMode = DRAWMODE_INVERT;
  pRasterFxd->DrawPersistence = False; // On the window, not the bitmap
  //Save the previous ending mouse position
  OldEndX = EndX;
  OldEndY = EndY;
  //Get the current mouse position->
  EndX = x;
  EndY = y;
  //Calculate the origin of the current object
  if (EndX > StartX)
 DrawX = StartX;
 DrawX = EndX;

  if (EndY > StartY)
 DrawY = StartY;
 DrawY = EndY;

  //Calculate the origin of the previous object
  if (OldEndX > StartX)
 OldDrawX = StartX;
 OldDrawX = OldEndX;

  if (OldEndY > StartY)
 OldDrawY = StartY;
 OldDrawY = OldEndY;

  //Calculate the height and width of the current object
  NewHeight = abs(StartY - EndY);
  NewWidth = abs(StartX - EndX);
  //Calculate the height and width of the previous object
  OldHeight = abs(StartY - OldEndY);
  OldWidth = abs(StartX - OldEndX);
  //Erase the old object and draw the new one
  h_DC = (HDC)LEADRasterView1->GetClientDC ();
  switch (DrawObject)
 case 0: //Ellipse
   pRasterFxd->DrawEllipse (NULL, (long)h_DC, OldDrawX, OldDrawY, OldWidth, OldHeight);
   pRasterFxd->DrawEllipse (NULL, (long)h_DC, DrawX, DrawY, NewWidth, NewHeight);
   case 1: //Line
   pRasterFxd->DrawLine (NULL, (long)h_DC, StartX, StartY, OldEndX, OldEndY);
   pRasterFxd->DrawLine (NULL, (long)h_DC, StartX, StartY, EndX, EndY);
   case 2: //Rectangle
   pRasterFxd->DrawRectangle (NULL, (long)h_DC, OldDrawX, OldDrawY, OldWidth, OldHeight);
   pRasterFxd->DrawRectangle (NULL, (long)h_DC, DrawX, DrawY, NewWidth, NewHeight);

  LEADRasterView1->ReleaseClientDC ();


Handle the LEADRasterView1 control's OnMouseUp2 event, and code LEADRasterView1MouseUp2 as follows. This code sets the drawing style and draws the object on the bitmap.

void __fastcall TForm1::LEADRasterView1MouseUp2 (TObject *Sender,
short Button, short Shift, long x, long y)
 //Declare local variables.
 float DrawX, DrawY, NewWidth, NewHeight;

 //Set the drawing style.
 pRasterFxd->DrawPenStyle = DRAWPENSTYLE_SOLID;
 pRasterFxd->DrawPenWidth = 2;
 pRasterFxd->DrawPenColor = RGB(255, 0, 0) ;//Red
 pRasterFxd->DrawMode = DRAWMODE_COPY_PEN;
 pRasterFxd->DrawFillColor = RGB(0, 255, 0); //Green;
 pRasterFxd->DrawPersistence = True ;//On the bitmap
 //Get the current mouse position
 EndX = x;
 EndY = y;
 //Determine the origin of the object
 if (EndX > StartX)
  DrawX = StartX;
  DrawX = EndX;

 if (EndY > StartY)
  DrawY = StartY;
  DrawY = EndY;

 //Determine the height and width of the object
 NewHeight = abs(StartY - EndY);
 NewWidth = abs(StartX - EndX);
 //Draw the object
  case 0: //Ellipse
   pRasterFxd->DrawEllipse (LEADRasterView1->Raster, 0, DrawX, DrawY, NewWidth, NewHeight);
 case 1: //Line
   pRasterFxd->DrawLine (LEADRasterView1->Raster, 0, StartX, StartY, EndX, EndY);
  case 2: //Rectangle
   pRasterFxd->DrawRectangle (LEADRasterView1->Raster, 0, DrawX, DrawY, NewWidth, NewHeight);
 LEADRasterView1->ForceRepaint ();


At the beginning of the Unit1.h file, include the file

#include "LTRASTERFXDLib_TLB.h"


Run your program to test it.