Using a PanWindow (C++ Builder 6.0)
1. |
Start with the project that you created in Loading and Displaying an Image. |
2. |
Replace FormCreate Procedure to be as the following. |
void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender)
//Set defaults for displaying the image
//These are all persistent properties that can be set in the properties box->
LEADRasterView1->BorderStyle = 1;
LEADRasterView1->BackColor = (TColor)RGB(255, 255, 125);
LEADRasterView1->PaintPalette = PAINTPALETTE_AUTO;
LEADRasterView1->AutoRepaint = True;
LEADRasterView1->AutoSize = False;
LEADRasterView1->AutoSetRects = True;
3. |
Add a Check Box control to your form and name it as follows: |
Name |
Caption |
chkPanWin |
Pan Window |
4. |
Add a button to your form and name it as follows: |
Name |
Caption |
btnPanWindow |
Show Pan Window |
5. |
Code the btnPanWindow click’s procedure as the following: |
void __fastcall TForm1::btnPanWindowClick(TObject *Sender)
LEADRasterView1->BackErase = False;
//set the location of the PanWindow
LEADRasterView1->PanWinX = 100;
LEADRasterView1->PanWinY = 100;
//set the size of the PanWindow
//requested width
LEADRasterView1->PanWinWidth = 150;
//requested height
LEADRasterView1->PanWinHeight = 200;
LEADRasterView1->PanWinPointer = 12;
LEADRasterView1->PanWinTitle = "PanWindow";
LEADRasterView1->PanWinRectColor = (TColor)RGB(0, 0, 255);
LEADRasterView1->PanWinSysMenu = True;
//use the settings for LEADRasterView1.
LEADRasterView1->PanWinPaintPalette = LEADRasterView1->PaintPalette;
LEADRasterView1->PanWinBitonalScaling = LEADRasterView1->BitonalScaling;
LEADRasterView1->PanWinPaintScaling = LEADRasterView1->PaintScaling;
LEADRasterView1->PanWinPaintDither = LEADRasterView1->PaintDither;
//show the Pan Window
LEADRasterView1->ShowPanWin (true);
chkPanWin->Checked= true;
6. |
Code the LEADRasterView1 OnPanWin event procedure as follows: |
void __fastcall TForm1::LEADRasterView1PanWin(TObject *Sender,
long hPanWin, short iFlag)
chkPanWin->Checked= false ;//indicate no more Pan Window
7. |
Run your program to test it. |