AnnHyperlinkMenu example for C++ 5.0 and later
For details on event handling of the COM objects in MFC, and m_pDlg and m_pRasterAnn declarations, refer to the "Creating and Using Annotations (C++ 5.0 and later) Tutorial"
//The AnnHyperLinkMenu event occurs whenever the user clicks on the Hyperlink menu item provided for automated annotations.
//The menu item is enabled and disabled using AnnHyperlinkMenuEnable property.
//The following is an example of AnnHyperlinkMenu event code, which includes a call to AnnSetHyperlinkMsg.
//For details on event handling of the COM objects in MFC,
// and m_pDlg and m_pRasterAnn delcarations, refer to
// the "Creating and Using Annotations (C++ 5.0 and later) Tutorial"
void CRasterAnnSink::OnAnnHyperlinkMenu(ILEADRasterVariant * pltRasVar, short uCount)
long x;
long hObject;
//set HyperLink to type ANNLINK_ANNEVENT5
//and set the 5 params to some values.
for (x = 0; x<uCount; x++)
hObject = pltRasVar->LongItemValue(x);
m_pDlg->m_pRasterAnn->AnnSetHyperlinkMsg(hObject, ANN_LINK_ANNEVENT5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1);