MagGlassPaintIntensity Example for C++ 5.0 and later
void CSampleDlg::StartMagnifyingGlass()
int nRet;
CString szMsg;
// Setting the Magnifying Glass Paint contrast, gamma and intensity
m_LeadRasterView.SetMagGlassPaintContrast(m_LeadRasterView.GetMagGlassPaintContrast() + 100);
m_LeadRasterView.SetMagGlassPaintGamma(m_LeadRasterView.GetMagGlassPaintGamma() + 100);
m_LeadRasterView.SetMagGlassPaintIntensity(m_LeadRasterView.GetMagGlassPaintIntensity() + 100);
// Starting the Magnifying Glass
nRet = m_LeadRasterView.StartMagGlass(100, 100, 400, RGB(255, 0, 0), RGB(128, 128, 128), false, 1, false, CROSSHAIR_FINE, true, true);
if (nRet != 0)
szMsg.Format(TEXT("Error Starting the Magnifying Glass, Error: %d"), nRet);