Zooming In on a Selection (C++ 5.0 and later)
Take the following steps to add code that lets you select an area with a mouse, and zoom in on the selected area.
1. |
Start with the project that you created in Loading and Displaying an Image. |
2. |
To add the code for LEAD events, do the following: |
a. |
Press Ctrl-W to go to the MFC ClassWizard. |
b. |
In the Class Name combo box, select CTutorDlg. |
c. |
In the Object IDs list box, select IDC_LEADRASTERVIEW1. |
d. |
Continue with the remaining steps for each event. |
3. |
In the MFC ClassWizard, double-click the MouseDown event and add code as follows: |
void CTutorDlg::OnMouseDownLeadrasterview1(short Button, short Shift, float x, float y)
4. |
In the MFC ClassWizard, double-click the RubberBand event and add code as follows: |
void CMfc40Dlg::OnRubberBandLeadrasterview1()
float zoomleft;
float zoomtop;
float zoomwidth;
float zoomheight;
//Zoom in on the selection.
zoomleft = m_LEADRasterView1.GetRubberBandLeft();
zoomtop = m_LEADRasterView1.GetRubberBandTop();
zoomwidth = m_LEADRasterView1.GetRubberBandWidth();
zoomheight = m_LEADRasterView1.GetRubberBandHeight();
//zoom in on the rectangle defined by the rubberband
m_LEADRasterView1.ZoomToRect(zoomleft, zoomtop, zoomwidth, zoomheight);
5. |
Rebuild and run the application. |