GetRgnHandle example for Delphi
The following code creates a region, saves its handle and adds the saved region beside the current region.
sRet: Smallint;
SavedRegion: Longint;
OffsetX, OffsetY: Single;
RasterProc: LEADRasterProcess;
RasterProc:= CreateComObject (CLASS_LEADRasterProcess ) as LEADRasterProcess;
//Initialize the variables that we will manipulate to simulate mouse coordinates.
OffsetX:= LEADRasterView1.Raster.BitmapWidth / 8;
OffsetY:= LEADRasterView1.Raster.BitmapHeight / 6;
//Create an elliptical region.
LEADRasterView1.Raster.SetRgnEllipse (OffsetX, OffsetY, OffsetX, OffsetY, L_RGN_SET);
//Save a copy of the region.
SavedRegion:= LEADRasterView1.Raster.GetRgnHandle;
//Add the saved region to the bitmap, offsetting it so that we can see it.
LEADRasterView1.Raster.SetRgnHandle (SavedRegion, OffsetX, OffsetY, L_RGN_OR);
//Delete the saved region.
LEADRasterView1.Raster.DeleteRgnHandle (SavedRegion);
//Fill the bitmap region with blue.
RasterProc.Fill (LEADRasterView1.Raster, RGB(0, 0, 255));
//Free the bitmap region.
LEADRasterView1.Raster.FreeRgn ();
//Repaint the image so that we can see how the image was updated.
LEADRasterView1.ForceRepaint (sRet);