Using the Image List Control

LEADTOOLS provides an image list control that lets you display and manipulate a list of images. It can be used with other LEAD Raster COM objects and controls. The ImageList properties, methods and events let you do the following with a list of images:

You can load and save image lists using these methods:

LoadDatabase method

SaveDatabase method

LoadFromFile method

SaveToFile method

To insert and delete images, use the following:

Clear method

Insert method

InsertAt method

InsertFromBitmapList method

Remove method

To specialize mouse and keyboard input, use the following:

Click event

DblClick event

EnableKeyboard property

KeyDown event

KeyPress event

KeyUp event

MouseDown event

MouseIcon property

MouseMove event

MousePointer property

MouseUp event

You can modify the display characteristics, or item characteristics using the following:

AllowSelection property

Appearance property

BackColor property

BitonalScaling property

BorderColor property

BorderStyle property

DisplayItemText property

FirstVisibleItem property

Font property

ForeColor property

Item property

ItemBackgroundColor property

ItemHeight property

ItemHorizontalSpacing property

ItemSelected event

ItemUnSelected event

ItemVerticalSpacing property

ItemWidth property

PaintDither property

PaintScaling property

Resize event

ScaleHeight property

ScaleLeft property

ScaleMode property

ScaleTop property

ScaleWidth property

SelectAll method

SelectedCount property

SelectedItems property

SelectionColor property

SelectionStyle property

Sort method

SortExt method

SetSelectionBitmap method

ViewSize property

The following elements let you import or export items to or from the ImageList Control:

ExportBitmapList method

ExportedBitmapList property

ImportBitmapList method

The following provide support for user-defined or custom painting of the ImageList items:

OwnerDrawItem event

OwnerDrawItems property

The following elements let you scroll through the image list:

EnsureVisible method

Scroll event

ScrollItems method

ScrollStyle property

To obtain information about the image list, use the following:

ColumnCount property

Count property

CurrentPage property

HitTest method

PageCount property

RowCount property

LEADTOOLS also provides the following general elements:

ControlWindow property

EnableMethodErrors property

Window property