AnnContainer property (ILEADRasterZoomView)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ example



long AnnContainer


Refer to Using the Zoom View


(Document/Medical) only.) Gets or sets the handle to the root container object of the annotation object to be displayed. When this property is 0, no annotation will be displayed in the Zoom View.

See Also


DstTop property, DstWidth property, DstHeight property, SrcLeft property, SrcTop property, SrcWidth property, SrcHeight property, BorderStyle property, BorderColor property, PenStyle property, Index property, SrcBorderStyle property, SrcBorderColor property, SrcPenStyle property, EnableCallouts property, CalloutColor property, CalloutPenStyle property, ZoomFactor property, Enabled property, ForceDst property, DstLeft property, HasZoomView property, ZoomViewsCount property,SrcPenWidth property, CalloutPenWidth property, PenWidth property, CreateZoomView method, GetZoomView method, UpdateZoomView method, DestroyZoomView method


Raster Images: Displaying Images