AnnSetPoints method (ILEADRasterAnnotation)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example



short AnnSetPoints(long hObject, ILEADRasterVariant * vXArray, ILEADRasterVariant * vYArray, long lPointCount);


Refer to Point Annotation Object.


(Document/Medical only) Defines the shape of an annotation object, such as a polygon, that requires multiple points.

Coordinates of an object's points are relative to its container object. The coordinates are interpreted using the container's scaling factors and offsets, which are described in Low-Level Coordinate System for Annotations.

For annotation objects that are defined by a rectangle, use the AnnRect... properties.

You can position a Point object using the following (VB):

   ReDim x(1) As Single, y(1) As Single
   x(1) = 100
   y(1) = 200
   LEAD1.AnnSetPoints hPoint, x, y, 1
where x,y contain the desired position.

To set the points of a cross-product object, do the following:

   ReDim x(5) As Single, y(5) As Single
   ' Assign values for x and y from 1 through 5
   LEAD1.AnnSetPoints hXproduct, x, y, 5

hXproduct is the handle to the cross-product object. x(1),y(1) and x(2),y(2) are the points for the primary ruler. x(3),y(3) is the intersection point. x(4),y(4) and x(5),y(5) are the points for the secondary ruler.

To set the points of a protractor object, do the following:

   ReDim x(3) As Single, y(3) As Single
   ' Assign values for x and y from 1 through 3
   LEAD1.AnnSetPoints hProtractor, x, y, 3

hProtractor is the handle to the protractor object. x(1),y(1) and x(3),y(3) are the endpoints for the two rulers. x(2),y(2) is the intersection point. This is shown below:



When calling AnnSetPoints on a ANN_OBJECT_TEXTPOINTER object, specify three points. The three points are (Upper Left), (Lower Right), (Anchor).

See Also


AnnGetFillModeExt method, AnnSetFillModeExt method, AnnFillMode property, AnnAlpha property, AnnSetOptions method, AnnGetOptions method, AnnSetTextOptions method, AnnGetTextOptions method, AnnShowText property, AnnShowBorder property, AnnTextColor property, AnnAutoSnapCursor property, AnnTextEdit method, AnnShowRotateHandles property, AnnGetRotateOptions method, AnnSetRotateOptions method, AnnCalibrateRuler method, AnnBringToFront method, AnnSendToBack method, AnnRectHeight property, AnnRectLeft property, AnnRectTop property, AnnRectWidth property, AnnBoundingRectTop property, AnnBoundingRectLeft property, AnnBoundingRectHeight property, AnnBoundingRectWidth property, AnnGetPointCount method, AnnGetPointX method, AnnGetPointY method


Annotations (Document/Medical only): Object Manipulation


Using Rulers in Annotation Objects


New Annotation Features of Version 14.5


Calibrating Annotation Ruler Objects