SegmentQuality property (ILEADPDFCompressor)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example



Long SegmentQuality


Refer to Creating a Compressed PDF File


(Advanced PDF Plug in only) Gets or sets a threshold value used to determine whether the segment is a picture segment. Possible values range from 0 to 100. Use 0 to set all possible picture segments to 2-bit without losing of a lot of information. Use 100 to set all picture segments to 2-bit only if they are very close to 2-bit.

If the value of the OutputQuality property is not PDFCOMPOUTPUTQUALITY_USER, then the PDF compressor will ignore the value of this property.

See Also


PDFCompInsertMRC method, ImageQuality Property, OutputQuality Property, CleanSize Property, ColorThreshold Property, BackGroundThreshold Property, CombineThreshold Property


PDF Compressor Functions: Creating a File