BitmapYRes property (ILEADRaster)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example

Delphi 4 example

C++ Builder example



short BitmapYRes


Refer to Examining and Altering Bitmaps.


Dots per inch in the height direction.

This value is commonly used for printing. Loading an image from a file updates this property, using the value stored in the file.

If the values of the BitmapXRes property and the BitmapYRes property are not equal, set the PaintSizeUseDPI property to TRUE to have LEAD's automated scaling properties account for the physical resolution of the bitmap. These automated scaling properties include:

AutoRepaint property

AutoScroll property

AutoSetRects property

AutoSize property

DstHeight property

DstLeft property

DstTop property

DstWidth property

PaintSizeMode property

PaintZoomFactor property

See Also


BitmapBits property, BitmapHeight property, BitmapWidth property, BitmapXRes property, GetColorCount method, AutoRepaint property, AutoScroll property, AutoSetRects property, AutoSize property, DstHeight property, DstLeft property, DstTop property, DstWidth property, PaintSizeMode property, PaintZoomFactor property


Raster Images: Getting Current Information