JPEGQFactor property (ILEADOptimizeOptions)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ example



long JPEGQFactor;


Refer to Image Optimization.


Gets or sets a value that represents the quality factor used in the image optimization operation. The JPEGQFactor is a number that determines the degree of loss in the compression process. You can set a value from 2 to 255, where 2 represents the highest quality and 255 represents the most compression.

This value is used only if the original image format is one of the LEAD Supported JPEG Formats.

The default value is 35.

See Also


PNGQFactor property, JPEGColorSpace property, Percent property, Distance property, PickSamePalette property, DefaultOptions method, OptimizeBuffer method, OptimizeDir method.


Optimizer: Optimization Methods