OnEnumerateHandle Event (LEADRasterAnnotation)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example



void OnEnumerateHandle(long hObject, ILEADRasterAnnHandleInfo * AnnHandleInfo);


Refer to Implementing Annotations.


Occurs for each handle enumerated by the AnnEnumerateHandle method.

The AnnHandleInfo parameter can be used to obtain detailed information about an annotation object handle. It can also be used to change some (but not all) of the properties of a user handle. All properties of an annotation object handle can be changed EXCEPT the location. The properties of a handle that can be changed within this event are:

ID property

EnableVisible property

PenColor property

FillColor property

Shape property

hCursor property

See Also


AnnEnumerateHandle method, Type property, ID property (ILEADRasterAnnHandleInfo), Index property (ILEADRasterAnnHandleInfo), ContainerX property (ILEADRasterAnnHandleInfo), ContainerY property (ILEADRasterAnnHandleInfo), ClientX property (ILEADRasterAnnHandleInfo), ClientY property (ILEADRasterAnnHandleInfo), EnableVisible property (ILEADRasterAnnHandleInfo), PenColor property (ILEADRasterAnnHandleInfo), FillColor property (ILEADRasterAnnHandleInfo), Shape property (ILEADRasterAnnHandleInfo), hCursor property, Totalhandles property


Annotations (Document/Medical only): Object Manipulation