LoadStatus property (ILEADRasterIO)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ example



short LoadStatus;


Refer to Loading a Bitmap from a File.


(Read Only) Gets a value that indicates whether the image that was last loaded has an error.

Possible values are:




The image loaded by the last load call does not have any errors.


There were errors decoding the last image. The bottom part of the image might be corrupted.


Some of the resync markers were incorrect or missing while decoding the last image. Resync markers are used by JPEG files to recover from decoding errors. Portions of the image are corrupted. They are indicated by a checkerboard pattern.


The file was truncated. The bottom part of the image is missing.


The file may not been loaded completely or it may have missing parts.

<> 0

An error occurred. Refer to Error Codes.

The error code in this property describes a warning that portions of the image that was last loaded might be corrupted.

This property should be read after a load method returned 0. This value is reset after each page is loaded, so if you are loading multiple pages, this error code is valid only for the last page.

If the last load method returned an error code, then this property should not be used, as its value is undefined.

This property is valid for all of the methods that will load a bitmap. Examples of such functions: Load method, LoadOffset method, etc.

See Also


Load method, LoadStamp method, BitmapDataPath method, LoadMemory method, StartFeedLoad method, LoadInfo event, LoadOffset method


Raster Image: Loading Files