MaskBitmap property (ILEADRaster)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ example



long MaskBitmap


Refer to Creating and Using a Bitmap Region.


Gets or sets the mask bitmap.

This property is updated by the CreateMaskFromRgn method.

The mask bitmap will be updated with a 1-bit, black-and-white image after calling the CreateMaskFromRgn method, where pixels from the region are white, and all others are black.

The user can also directly assign a bitmap to this property, but the bitmap must be a 1-bit mask image.

The image in this property is used by the SetRgnFromMask method to create or modify a region in the Bitmap property.

See Also


CreateMaskFromRgn method, SetRgnEllipse method, SetRgnRect method, SetRgnRoundRect method, PolygonSize property, OffsetRgn method, SetRgnColor method.


Raster Images: Creating and Using a Region