MaskTable property (ILEADRasterProcess)

Visual Basic Example

Visual C++ 5.0 example

Delphi 4 example

C++ Builder example



short MaskTable (long lIndex);


Refer to Changing Brightness and Contrast.


Lookup table that identifies the valid values in the HTable. This is one of the four tables that the RemapHue method uses to change the bitmap's hue, saturation and value. Hue, Saturation, and Value levels range from 0 to 255. The current hue, saturation and value of a pixel correspond to the table indexes. If the bUseMaskTable parameter is set to TRUE when the RemapHue method is called, then this table is used to identify which values in the HTable property are valid. If MaskTable(i) is non-zero, then HTable(i) is to be used. If MaskTable(i) is 0 then HTable(i) is ignored.

See Also


RemapHue method, HTable property, STable property, VTable property, HSV_HfromRGB method, HSV_SfromRGB method, HSV_VfromRGB method, RGBfromHSV method


Raster Images: Modifying Intensity Values