PDFCompInit method (ILEADPDFCompressor)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example



short PDFCompInit (VARIANT_BOOL bEnablePDFCompEvent);


Refer to Creating a Compressed PDF File


(Advanced PDF Plug in only) Initializes the PDF compressor object and creates an empty PDF document file in the memory.

The PDFCompInit method must be called before calling any other PDFCompXXXX property, method or event.

This method also enables or disables firing the PDFCompEvent event, which is used anytime an MRC segmented bitmap is inserted by calling the PDFCompInsertMRC method or the PDFCompInsertNormal method.

When the PDF compressor object is no longer needed, the user must call PDFCompFree method. For every call to the PDFCompInit method there must be a call to PDFCompFree.

See Also


PDFCompFree method, PDFCompInsertMRC method, PDFCompInsertNormal method, PDFCompEvent Event


PDF Compressor Functions: Creating a File