RefBitmap property (ILEADRaster)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example

Delphi 4 example

C++ Builder example



BOOL RefBitmap


Refer to Bitmaps and Bitmap Lists.


Indicates whether an assignment to the Bitmap property should do a copy or simply reference the source control's Bitmap property.

When this property is TRUE, any assignments to the object's Bitmap property will cause the object to reference the source object's Bitmap, instead of making a copy. This can be used to reduce memory load when dealing with large images.

When this property is FALSE, an assignment to the object's Bitmap proprety will create a copy of the source object's Bitmap in memory.

Note: When this property is set to True, any assignment to the object's Bitmap property will invalidate the bitmap in the source control.

You should set this property back to False after making an assignment if you do not always wish to make references. For example:

LEAD1.RefBitmap = True
LEAD1.Bitmap = LEAD2.Bitmap
LEAD1.RefBitmap = False

See Also


Main Bitmap property