SetMemoryInfo method (ILEADRaster)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example



short SetMemoryInfo ();


Refer to Memory Storage Types for Bitmaps.


Sets the bitmap allocation values.

If the MemoryInfoType property contains valid data and is not MEMORY_TYPE_TILED, then the other MemoryInfoXXX properties are ignored. If the MemoryInfoType property does not contain valid data and the bitmap is not tiled, then the other MemoryInfoXXX properties are ignored. Either of these cases overrides the settings in the MemoryInfoFlags Property.

The properties that may be used when setting the bitmap allocation values are:

MemoryInfoTileSize Property

MemoryInfoTotalTiles Property

MemoryInfoConventionalTiles Property

MemoryInfoMaxTileViews Property

MemoryInfoTileViews Property

MemoryInfoType Property

See Also


MemoryInfoType Property, MemoryInfoTileSize Property, MemoryInfoTotalTiles Property, MemoryInfoConventionalTiles Property, MemoryInfoMaxTileViews Property, MemoryInfoTileViews Property, MemoryInfoFlags property, GetMemoryInfo Method


Raster Images: Creating and Deleting Images