Shear method (ILEADRasterProcess)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example

Delphi 4 example

C++ Builder example



short Shear (ILEADRaster* pRaster, short iAngle, BOOL bHorizontal, OLE_COLOR crFill);


Refer to Examining and Altering Bitmaps.


Move the corners of the bitmap in the fashion of a parallelogram.

You specify an angle of slant, horizontal or vertical shear, and the fill color for the created space. The angle is expressed in hundredths of degrees, with a limit of 4500 (45 degrees).

The following is a horizontal example:


See Also


Raster Images: Doing Geometric Transformations


Using Color Values in LEADTOOLS


Raster Images: Methods That Transform the Region and the Bitmap (Document/Medical only)