Annotations (Document/Medical only): Automation

Controlling automation:

AnnAutoDrawEnable property

AnnAutoHilightPen property

AnnAutoMenuEnable property

AnnGetAutoBackColor method

AnnGetAutoMenuItemEnable method

AnnSetAutoBackColor method

AnnSetAutoMenuItemEnable method

AnnUserMode property

AnnAutoSnapCursor property

AnnSetOptions method

AnnGetOptions method

Selecting object types:

AnnTool property

AnnGetType method

Modifying automated text strings:

AnnAutoDialogFontSize property

AnnGetAutoText method

AnnSetAutoText method

Modifying automation cursors:

AnnAutoCursor property

AnnAutoSnapCursor property

AnnSetOptions method

AnnGetOptions method

Setting user interface and other annotation options

AnnSetOptions method

AnnGetOptions method

Modifying the automation highlight color:

AnnAutoHilightPen property

Undoing automation operations/changes

AnnAddUndoNode method

AnnSetOptions method

AnnGetOptions method

AnnUndo method

AnnUndoDepth property

AnnUndoEnable property

DLL support:

AnnAutomation property

AnnBringToFront method

AnnCalibrateRuler method

AnnContainer property

AnnGetContainer method

AnnGetOffsetX method

AnnGetOffsetY method

AnnGetPointCount method

AnnGetPointX method

AnnGetPointY method

AnnGetScalarX method

AnnGetScalarY method

AnnGetSelectCount method

AnnGetSelectList method

AnnGetTopContainer method

AnnGetWnd method

AnnHitTest method

AnnSelect event

AnnSelectPoint method

AnnSelectRect method

AnnSelectRectHeight property

AnnSelectRectLeft property

AnnSelectRectTop property

AnnSelectRectWidth property

AnnSendToBack method

AnnSetOffsetX method

AnnSetOffsetY method

AnnSetScalarX method

AnnSetScalarY method

AnnSetWnd method

Manipulating the toolbar

AnnSetOptions method

AnnGetOptions method

AnnToolChecked event

AnnToolDestroy event

ButtonBitmapDown property

ButtonBitmapUp property

ButtonColumns property

ButtonCount property

ButtonMenuText property

ButtonMenuTextID property

ButtonMenuTool property

ButtonRows property

ButtonTool property

ButtonToolCount property

ButtonToolTipText property

ButtonToolTipTextID property

ButtonVisible property

Create method

Tool property

Visible property

Working with the annotation automation menu

AddItem method

AnnMenu event

AnnUserMenu event

Count property

DeleteItem method

GetSubMenu method

ItemChecked property

ItemEnabled property

ItemID property

ItemString property

ItemType property

SetAnnMenu method

General Annotation

AnnAutoUpdate property

AnnDataPath method