Using Transparent Controls (Visual Basic Script)

The following example creates a web page with a bitmap as its background, and then adds a RasterView control. You can then press the button at the bottom of the page to toggle the transparency of the control.


Create an new HTML file and copy the following code to it ans save:

   Sub Window_OnLoad()
      LEADRasterView1.RasterUnk.CreateBitmap 500, 150, 24
      RasterProc.Fill LEADRasterView1.RasterUnk, 255

      RasterFxd.TextTop = 50
      RasterFxd.TextLeft = 0
      RasterFxd.TextWidth = LEADRasterView1.DstWidth
      RasterFxd.TextHeight = LEADRasterView1.DstHeight
      RasterFxd.DrawFontColor = RGB(0, 255, 0) 
      RasterFxd.Font.Size = 18
      RasterFxd.DrawPersistence = True
      RasterFxd.DrawText LEADRasterView1.RasterUnk, 0, "Press the button below to toggle transparency", 0
   End Sub

   Sub ToggleTransparency()
      If LEADRasterView1.Transparent = True Then
         LEADRasterView1.Transparent = false
         LEADRasterView1.Transparent = True
      End If
   End Sub

      <TITLE>LEADTOOLS JavaScript COM Example</TITLE>


   <BODY OnLoad = "Window_OnLoad()" BACKGROUND="c:\save.jpg">
      <OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:5220cb21-c88d-11cf-b347-00aa00a28331"
         <PARAM NAME="LPKPath" VALUE="path to LPK file/LTOCX14n.Lpk">

      <OBJECT ID="LEADRasterView1" NAME="LEADRasterView1" 
         CODEBASE="path to CAB file/" 
         <P>This is not supported in the web browser.</P>

      <OBJECT ID="RasterFxd" NAME="RasterFxd" 
         CODEBASE="path to CAB file/">
         <P>This is not supported in web browser.</P>

      <OBJECT ID="RasterProc" NAME="RasterProc" 
         CODEBASE="path to CAB file/">
         <P>This is not supported in the web browser.</P>

      <FORM NAME="LEADForm">
      <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="btnToggleTransparency" VALUE="Toggle Transparency" LANGUAGE="VBScript"