Zooming In on a Selection (Visual Basic Script)

Take the following steps to add code that lets you select an area with a mouse, and zoom in on the selected area:


Start with the project that you created in Loading and Displaying an Image.


Insert the following code between the <HEAD> </HEAD> tags to handle the MouseDown and RubberBand events respectively:

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBScript" FOR="LEADRasterView1" EVENT="MouseDown(Button, Shift , X , Y)"> 
   'Enable AutoRubberBand
      LEADRasterView1.AutoRubberBand = True
   LEADRasterView1.MousePointer = 2

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBScript" FOR="LEADRasterView1" EVENT="RubberBand">
   Dim zoomleft 
   Dim zoomtop 
   Dim zoomwidth 
   Dim zoomheight

   LEADRasterView1.MousePointer = 0

   'Zoom in on the selection. 
   zoomleft = LEADRasterView1.RubberBandLeft
   zoomtop = LEADRasterView1.RubberBandTop
   zoomwidth = LEADRasterView1.RubberBandWidth
   zoomheight = LEADRasterView1.RubberBandHeight

   'Zoom in on the rectangle defined by the rubberband
   LEADRasterView1.ZoomToRect zoomleft, zoomtop, zoomwidth, zoomheight


Run the page to test it.