AnnEncryptApply example for Visual Basic
Private Sub ExampleEncrypter(hObject As Long)
Dim ObjectType As AnnObjectType
RasterAnn.AnnGetType hObject
ObjectType = RasterAnn.AnnType
If ObjectType <> ANN_OBJECT_ENCRYPT Then
MsgBox "This Object is not an Encrypt Object"
End If
RasterAnn.AnnEncryptOptions.Flags = ANN_ENCRYPT_ALL
RasterAnn.AnnGetEncryptOptions hObject
If IsNull(RasterAnn.AnnEncryptOptions.EncryptRaster) Then
MsgBox "The encrypt object is not associated with a bitmap."
Exit Sub
End If
If RasterAnn.AnnEncryptOptions.EnableEncryptor = False Then
MsgBox "This object is a decryptor"
End If
'change the key to 123
RasterAnn.AnnEncryptOptions.Key = 123
RasterAnn.AnnEncryptOptions.Flags = ANN_ENCRYPT_KEY
RasterAnn.AnnEncryptOptions.EnableSaveEncryptorKey = True
RasterAnn.AnnEncryptOptions.EnableSaveDecryptorKey = True
RasterAnn.AnnEncryptOptions.EnableClearEncryptorKey = True
RasterAnn.AnnEncryptOptions.EnableClearDecryptorKey = True
RasterAnn.AnnEncryptOptions.EnableNeverEncrypted = False
RasterAnn.Flags = 0
RasterAnn.AnnSetEncryptOptions hObject
RasterAnn.AnnEncryptApply hObject, ANN_ENCRYPTAPPLY_ENCRYPTOR
nRet = MsgBox("Encryptor has been applied. Would you like to remove the encryption?", vbYesNo)
If nRet = vbYes Then
RasterAnn.AnnEncryptApply hObject, ANN_ENCRYPTAPPLY_DECRYPTOR
End If
End Sub