Implementing a Database with the MS ADO Data Control (Visual Basic)
In Visual Basic, the LEADTOOLS OLEDB control is a OLEDB data bound control. This means you can associate the LEADTOOLS OLEDB control with an ADO data control so that the LEADTOOLS OLEDB control's bitmap is bound to a specified field in the data control's recordset.
Take the following steps to start a project and to add some code that associates the LEADTOOLS OLEDB control with an ADO data control:
1. |
Start Visual Basic. |
2. |
On the Add-Ins menu, select the Visual Data Manager option. |
3. |
On the Data Manager window's Select File menu, select the New Database option. |
4. |
Specify a file name of leadpic.mdb and click the Save button. |
5. |
In the Database Manager window, click the New button. |
6. |
In the Add Table window, specify a table named: people, with the following two fields: |
a. |
Field name: who. Data Type: text. Size: 255 |
b. |
Field name: photo. Data Type: Long Binary. Size: N/A. |
7. |
Close the Database Manager |
8. |
Add the LEAD RasterProcess Object Library to your project. |
On the Project pull-down menu, use the References option, and select the LEAD RasterProcess Object Library (14.5).
9. |
Add the LEAD RasterIO Object Library to your project. |
On the Project pull-down menu, use the References option, and select the LEAD RasterIO Object Library (14.5). |
10. |
Add the LEAD Raster Object Library and LEAD Raster Variant Object Library to your project. |
On the Project pull-down menu, use the References option, and select the LEAD Raster Object Library (14.5). |
On the Project pull-down menu, use the References option, and select the LEAD Raster Variant Object Library (14.5). |
11. |
Add the L_OCXERR.bas module to your project. (Found in the LEADTOOLS \Include folder.) |
12. |
On the Project pull-down menu, use the Components option to add the MS ADO data control to your project. Then add an ADO control to the bottom of your form and change its properties as follows: |
a. |
Set the ConnectionString property to connect to leadpic.mdb. (Use the browser to properly build the connection string using the OLEDB ODBC Provider.) |
b. |
Set the RecordSource by setting the CommandType to adCommandTable and the table to the "people" table. |
c. |
Set the Name property to Dpeople. |
13. |
On the Project pull-down menu, use the Components option to add the LEADRasterView Control module to your project. |
14. |
Select the LEADRasterView control; then add the control to your main form. Stretch and position the control as you want it to appear at run time. |
15. |
On the Project pull-down menu, use the Components option to add the LEADTOOLS Raster OLE DB Custom Control module to your project. Select the LEADTOOLS Raster OLE DB control; then add the control to your main form. |
16. |
In the Properties box for the LEADTOOLS Raster OLE DB control, make the following changes: |
a. |
Set the DataSource property to Dpeople. |
b. |
Leave the DataMember property empty, in order to use the default for this data source. |
17. |
Add a TextBox control to your form and change its properties as follows: |
a. |
Set the DataSource property to Dpeople. |
b. |
Set the Name property to Cwho. |
18. |
Add three command buttons to your form and name them as follows: |
Name |
Caption |
AddPhoto |
Add Photo |
DeletePhoto |
Delete Photo |
FlipPhoto |
Flip Photo |
19. |
On the Project pull-down menu, use the Components option to add the LEAD Raster Common Dialog Control to your project. |
20. |
Add a LEAD Raster Common Dialog Control to your form. |
21. |
Add the following code to the form's Load procedure. In online help, you can use the Edit pull-down menu to copy the block of code. |
'These are all persistent properties that can be set in the properties box.
LEADRasterView1.BorderStyle = 1
LEADRasterView1.BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 125)
LEADRasterView1.PaintPalette = PAINTPALETTE_AUTO
LEADRasterView1.AutoRepaint = True
LEADRasterView1.AutoSize = False
LEADRasterView1.AutoSetRects = True
'databind performed at design-time except for datafield
LEADRasterOLEDB1.Raster = LEADRasterView1.Raster
LEADRasterOLEDB1.DataField = "photo"
Cwho.DataField = "who"
' Set the data properties on the LEAD Raster OLE DB control
LEADRasterOLEDB1.DataLoadBits = 0
LEADRasterOLEDB1.DataSaveBits = 24
LEADRasterOLEDB1.DataSaveFormat = FILE_LEAD
LEADRasterOLEDB1.DataSaveQuality = QFACTOR_QMS
LEADRasterOLEDB1.EnableMethodErrors = True
22. |
Code the AddPhoto button's Click event as follows: |
Dim Myfile$
Const BUFFERSIZE = 1024
Dim buffer(BUFFERSIZE - 1) As Byte
Dim RasterIO As New LEADRasterIO
Dim RasterProc As New LEADRasterProcess
Dim RasterVar As New LEADRasterVariant
Dim RasterKrn As New LEADRasterDlgKrn
Dim RasterFile As New LEADRasterDlgFile
'release any reference
LEADRasterView1.Raster.Bitmap = 0
RasterFile.Filter = "Graphics|*.cmp;*.jpg;*.jff;*.jtf;*.bmp;*.tif;*.tga;*.pcx;*.cal;*.mac;*.mac;*.img;*.msp;*.wpg;*.wpg;*.ras;*.pct;*.pcd;*.eps;*.wmf"
RasterFile.FileDlgFlags = 0 'cdlOFNFileMustExist
RasterFile.DialogTitle = "Open File"
LEADRasterDlg1.ShowOpenDlg hWnd
Myfile = LEADRasterDlg1.FileName
If Myfile = "" Then Exit Sub
RasterIO.Load LEADRasterView1.Raster, Myfile, 0, 1, 1
LEADRasterOLEDB1.Raster = LEADRasterView1.Raster
LEADRasterOLEDB1.DataDirty = True
Cwho = Myfile
Open Myfile For Binary Access Read As #1
Get #1, , buffer
Dpeople.Recordset!photo.AppendChunk buffer
Loop Until EOF(1)
Close #1
RasterIO.StartFeedLoad LEADRasterView1.Raster, 0, 1, 1
RasterVar.Type = VALUE_STRING
RasterVar.ShortValue = Dpeople.Recordset!photo.GetChunk(BUFFERSIZE)
If RasterVar.Type <> vbNull Then
RasterIO.FeedLoad RasterVar, BUFFERSIZE
End If
Loop Until RasterVar.Type = vbNull
' Requery the data control's recordset
Exit Sub
If Dpeople.Recordset.EditMode = dbEditAdd Then
End If
If (Err.Number <> ERROR_DLG_CANCELED) Then
MsgBox Err.Source + " " + CStr(Err.Number) + Chr(13) + Err.Description
End If
23. |
Code the DeletePhoto button's Click event as follows: |
24. |
Code the FlipPhoto button's Click event as follows: |
RasterProc.Flip LeadRasterView1.Raster
LEADRasterOLEDB1.Raster = LEADRasterView1.Raster
LEADRasterOLEDB1.DataDirty = True
25. |
Add the following code to the LEAD Raster OLEDB control's DataLoaded event: |
If (nStatus = 0) Then
LEADRasterOLEDB1.DataDirty = False
ElseIf (nStatus = ERROR_FILENOTFOUND) Then 'if it's an empty record
LEADRasterView1.Raster.Bitmap = 0
ElseIf (nStatus <> ERROR_FILENOTFOUND) Then 'if it's not an empty record
LEADRasterView1.Raster.Bitmap = 0
MsgBox "Error loading from database!"
End If
LEADRasterOLEDB1.DataDirty = False
26. |
Add the following code to the LEAD Raster OLEDB control's DataSaved event: |
If (nStatus <> 0) Then
LEADRasterView1.Raster.Bitmap = 0 'free the current bitmap
MsgBox "Error saving to database!"
End If
27. |
Run your program to test it. |