Drawing Simple Lines and Shapes (Visual Basic)
Take the following steps to add code that lets you draw a line, rectangle and ellipse on the bitmap.
1. |
Start with the project that you created in Loading and Displaying an Image. |
2. |
Add the LEAD Raster 3D DrawEffect Object Library (14.5) to your project. |
On the Project pull-down menu, use the References option, and select the LEAD Raster 3D DrawEffect Object Library (14.5). |
3. |
Add the following code to the general declarations section of your project. |
Public RasterFxd As LEADRasterFXD
4. |
Add the following code to the end of the Form_Load event handler. |
'Create the RasterFxd Object
Set RasterFxd = CreateObject("LEADRasterFXD.LEADRasterFXD.")
5. |
Add the following form-level variables to the declarations procedure of the general object in your main form: |
Dim DrawObject As Integer 'The object we are drawing
Dim StartX As Single 'Starting X position
Dim StartY As Single 'Starting Y position
Dim EndX As Single 'Ending X position
Dim EndY As Single 'Ending Y position
6. |
Code the LEADRasterView control's MouseDown event as follows. This code selects a different drawing object each time the event occurs. |
'Save the starting position.
StartX = x
StartY = y
EndX = x
EndY = y
'Cycle through the types of drawing objects.
Select Case DrawObject
Case 0
DrawObject = 1 'Line
Case 1
DrawObject = 2 'Rectangle
Case 2
DrawObject = 0 'Ellipse
Case Else
DrawObject = 0
End Select
RasterFxd.DstLeft = 0
RasterFxd.DstTop = 0
RasterFxd.DstRight = LEADRasterView1.DstWidth
RasterFxd.DstBottom = LEADRasterView1.DstHeight
RasterFxd.SrcLeft = 0
RasterFxd.SrcTop = 0
RasterFxd.SrcRight = LEADRasterView1.Raster.BitmapWidth
RasterFxd.SrcBottom = LEADRasterView1.Raster.BitmapHeight
RasterFxd.ScaleMode = 3
7. |
Code the LEADRasterView control's MouseMove event as follows. This code uses DRAWMODE_INVERT for the DrawMode, which means that pixel colors are inverted. Thus, the drawing methods can erase the previous object and draw a new one. |
'Declare local variables.
Dim OldEndX, OldEndY
Dim OldDrawX, OldDrawY, OldWidth, OldHeight
Dim DrawX, DrawY, NewWidth, NewHeight
Dim hDC As Long
If Button = 1 Then
'Set the drawing styles.
RasterFxd.DrawMode = DRAWMODE_INVERT
RasterFxd.DrawPersistence = False 'On the window, not the bitmap
'Save the previous ending mouse position.
OldEndX = EndX
OldEndY = EndY
'Get the current mouse position.
EndX = x
EndY = y
'Calculate the origin of the current object.
If EndX > StartX Then
DrawX = StartX
DrawX = EndX
End If
If EndY > StartY Then
DrawY = StartY
DrawY = EndY
End If
'Calculate the origin of the previous object.
If OldEndX > StartX Then
OldDrawX = StartX
OldDrawX = OldEndX
End If
If OldEndY > StartY Then
OldDrawY = StartY
OldDrawY = OldEndY
End If
'Calculate the height and width of the current object.
NewHeight = Abs(StartY - EndY)
NewWidth = Abs(StartX - EndX)
'Calculate the height and width of the previous object.
OldHeight = Abs(StartY - OldEndY)
OldWidth = Abs(StartX - OldEndX)
'Erase the old object and draw the new one.
hDC = LEADRasterView1.GetClientDC()
Select Case DrawObject
Case 0 'Ellipse
RasterFxd.DrawEllipse Nothing, hDC, OldDrawX, OldDrawY, OldWidth, OldHeight
RasterFxd.DrawEllipse Nothing, hDC, DrawX, DrawY, NewWidth, NewHeight
Case 1 'Line
RasterFxd.DrawLine Nothing, hDC, StartX, StartY, OldEndX, OldEndY
RasterFxd.DrawLine Nothing, hDC, StartX, StartY, EndX, EndY
Case 2 'Rectangle
RasterFxd.DrawRectangle Nothing, hDC, OldDrawX, OldDrawY, OldWidth, OldHeight
RasterFxd.DrawRectangle Nothing, hDC, DrawX, DrawY, NewWidth, NewHeight
Case Else
End Select
End If
8. |
Code the LEADRasterView control's MouseUp event as follows. This code sets the drawing style and draws the object on the bitmap. |
'Declare local variables.
Dim DrawX, DrawY, NewWidth, NewHeight
'Set the drawing style.
RasterFxd.DrawPenWidth = 2
RasterFxd.DrawPenColor = RGB(255, 0, 0) 'Red
RasterFxd.DrawMode = DRAWMODE_COPY_PEN
RasterFxd.DrawFillColor = RGB(0, 255, 0) 'Green
RasterFxd.DrawPersistence = True 'On the bitmap
'Get the current mouse position
EndX = x
EndY = y
'Determine the origin of the object.
If EndX > StartX Then
DrawX = StartX
DrawX = EndX
End If
If EndY > StartY Then
DrawY = StartY
DrawY = EndY
End If
'Determine the height and width of the object.
NewHeight = Abs(StartY - EndY)
NewWidth = Abs(StartX - EndX)
'Draw the object
Select Case DrawObject
Case 0 'Ellipse
RasterFxd.DrawEllipse LEADRasterView1.Raster, 0, DrawX, DrawY, NewWidth, NewHeight
Case 1 'Line
RasterFxd.DrawLine LEADRasterView1.Raster, 0, StartX, StartY, EndX, EndY
Case 2 'Rectangle
RasterFxd.DrawRectangle LEADRasterView1.Raster, 0, DrawX, DrawY, NewWidth, NewHeight
Case Else
End Select
6. |
Run your program to test it. |