TXTTopMarg Example for Visual Basic
'This example loads a TXT file, with a top margin, bottom margin, left margin, right margin ,font color, font size and bold formatting defined by the user
Dim RasterIO As New LEADRasterIO
'Change TXT Options values
RasterIO.TXTTopMarg = 1
RasterIO.TXTBottomMarg = 1
RasterIO.TXTRightMarg = 1.5
RasterIO.TXTLeftMarg = 1.5
RasterIO.TXTPaperWidth = 10
RasterIO.TXTPaperHeight = 10
RasterIO.TXTFaceName = "Arial"
RasterIO.TXTFontSize = 12
RasterIO.TXTFontColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)
RasterIO.TXTHighlight = RGB(0, 0, 255)
RasterIO.TXTStrikeThrough = False
RasterIO.TXTBold = True
RasterIO.TXTItalic = False
RasterIO.TXTUnderLine = False
RasterIO.TXTEnabled = True
' Now load the TXT file
RasterIO.Load LEADRasterView1.Raster, "c:\1.txt", 0, 0, 1