GetColorCount Example for C++ Builder
This example displays a message box showing the number of unique colors in the control's current bitmap.
LEADRasterProcess* pRasterProc= NULL;
AnsiString szMessage; //Buffer for the MessageBox string
int NumberOfColors; //Number of colors in the bitmap
CoCreateInstance(CLSID_LEADRasterProcess, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_ILEADRasterProcess, (void**)&pRasterProc);
//Get the number of colors in the bitmap
NumberOfColors= pRasterProc->GetColorCount (LEADRasterView1->Raster);
pRasterProc-> Release( );
//Display the result in a message
szMessage= "The bitmap has " + IntToStr(NumberOfColors) + " colors";
MessageBox (Handle, szMessage.c_str(), "Notice", MB_OK ) ;