TextWordWrap example for C++ Builder
This example wraps text inside the rectangle that is specified for the text object.
LEADRasterFXD* pLeadRasterFxd1= NULL;
CoCreateInstance(CLSID_LEADRasterFXD, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_ILEADRasterFXD, (void**)&pLeadRasterFxd1);
//Text location
pLeadRasterFxd1->TextTop = 10;
pLeadRasterFxd1->TextLeft = 10;
pLeadRasterFxd1->TextWidth = 150;
pLeadRasterFxd1->TextHeight = 150;
//Text alignment and angle
pLeadRasterFxd1->TextAlign = FXD_TEXTALIGN_LEFT_VCENTER;
pLeadRasterFxd1->TextAngle = 0;
//Enable word wrap
pLeadRasterFxd1->TextWordWrap = True;
pLeadRasterFxd1->DrawPersistence = True;
pLeadRasterFxd1->DrawText ( LEADRasterView1->Raster, 0, AnsiToOLESTR("LEADTOOLS 14.5 Supports WordWrap when drawing text."), 0);
LEADRasterView1->ForceRepaint ();
pLeadRasterFxd1-> Release( );