OwnerDrawItem event example for C++ 5 and later
void CTutorDlg::OnOwnerDrawItemLeadimglistctrl1(long nIndex, long hDC, float ItemLeft, float ItemTop, float ItemRight, float ItemBottom, float ItemBackLeft, float ItemBackTop, float ItemBackRight, float ItemBackBottom)
//use Windows GDI to custom paint the items
//make sure you have previously set ScaleMode to Pixels (3) so
//that you get these values in Pixels rather than Twips!!!!!!!
//ex. m_LEADRasterImgList1.ScaleMode = 3 'pixels
CString szText;
szText = m_LEADRasterImgList1.Item(nIndex).GetText();
Ellipse((HDC)hDC, (long)ItemLeft, (long)ItemTop, (long)ItemRight, (long)ItemBottom);
TextOut((HDC)hDC, (long)ItemLeft, (long)ItemTop, szText, szText.GetLength());