AnnSetGaugeLength method (ILEADRasterAnnotation)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example



short AnnSetGaugeLength(long hObject, float fGaugeLength, VARIANT_BOOL bSelected);


Refer to Implementing Annotations.


(Document/Medical only) Sets the length of the gauge (the perpendicular lines at the ends of the Ruler object).

The gauge length property applies only to Automation and Ruler objects. Refer to AnnAutomation property.

Length is expressed in pixels, not in points. The length is for the whole line, not just from the end point of the ruler to the end point of the gauge - it is from one end of the gauge to the other end of the gauge.

If the value of the AnnContainer property is passed as the hObject parameter, the method will modify all the annotations in the container depending on the value of bSelected parameter.

If the value of the AnnAutomation property is passed as the hObject parameter, the method will modify the default values used whenever an annotation is created.

See Also


AnnGetFillModeExt method, AnnSetFillModeExt method, AnnFillMode property, AnnAlpha property, AnnSetOptions method, AnnGetOptions method, AnnSetTextOptions method, AnnGetTextOptions method, AnnShowText property, AnnShowBorder property, AnnTextColor property, AnnAutoSnapCursor property, AnnTextEdit method, AnnShowRotateHandles property, AnnGetRotateOptions method, AnnSetRotateOptions method, AnnCalibrateRuler method, AnnGetUnit method, AnnSetBitmapDpiX method, AnnGetBitmapDpiX method, AnnGetBitmapDpiY method, AnnSetBitmapDpiY method, AnnSetUnit method, AnnGetDistance method, AnnGetGaugeLength method, AnnTicMarkLength property


Annotations (Document/Medical only): Object Manipulation


Using Rulers in Annotation Objects


New Annotation Features of Version 14.5


Calibrating Annotation Ruler Objects