GetDIB2 method (ILEADRaster)

Visual Basic example

Visual C++ 5.0 example

Delphi 4 example

C++ Builder example



long GetDIB2(DIBTypeConstants DIBType)


Refer to Copying and Creating Bitmaps


Converts a LEAD Technologies bitmap into a Windows device independent bitmap (DIB). When this method is completed, there are two copies of the bitmap in memory: the DIB and the original LEAD bitmap. Freeing one will not affect the other.

This method is similar to GetDIB method (), but it allows you to specify the type of DIB

A DIB consists of one of the following:


BITMAPV4HEADER (introduced in Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0)

BITMAPV5HEADER (introduced in Windows 2000 and Windows 98)

followed by a color table and then the bitmap data. The resulting DIB type is determined by the value of the DIBType parameter.

Ordinarily, you would need a DIB only if you are using Windows API functions. Nevertheless, for simplicity, the examples in this documentation get and set a DIB without using the API.

See Also


GetDIB method, SetDIB method, GetDDB method, SetDDB method


Raster Images: Exchanging Images with Other Objects