HolePunchRemove event (ILEADRasterProcess)

Visual Basic Example

Visual C++ 5.0 example

Delphi 4 example

C++ Builder example



void HolePunchRemove (long hRgn, float fBoundingRectLeft, float fBoundingRectTop, float fBoundingRectWidth, float fBoundingRectHeight, long iHoleIndex, long iHoleTotalCount, long iWhiteCount, long iBlackCount);


Refer to Cleaning - up 1-Bit Images


(Document/Medical) This event is triggered once for each occurring hole in the hole-punch configuration, if the EnableDocCleanEvents property has been set to TRUE before calling the HolePunchRemove method. For example, if there are three holes, the event gets triggered three times. Set the DocCleanSuccess property to SUCCESS_REMOVE to have a particular hole removed. Set the DocCleanSuccess property to SUCCESS_NOREMOVE to leave the hole unchanged. Set the DocCleanSuccess property to 0 to abort. If the uFlags parameter of the HolePunchRemove method is set to HOLEPUNCH_IMAGE_UNCHANGED and HOLEPUNCH_SINGLE_REGION, then the value of the DocCleanSuccess property affects only the internal single region that contains all the changes.


hRgn is only valid during this event. To use the hRgn after the event has terminated, make a copy of it using the SetBitmapRgnHandle method.

See Also


HolePunchRemove method , EnableDocCleanEvents property


Raster Images: Cleaning - up 1-Bit Images