InstallFilter method (ILEADRasterIO)

JAVA Script example


VARIANT_BOOL InstallFilter(BSTR bstrFilterName, VARIANT_BOOL bSilent);


Refer to Using LEAD RasterIO COM Object To Install LEAD Static Filters From Within A Web Page.


Before using this method you should call SetFilterURL method must be called to set a url for the filter you want to install. The InstallFilter method checks the registry for the specified Filter name. If filter name is xxx then the search will be under the following registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\LEAD Filters\xxx.

if the key does not exist, the method creates it, downloads a cab file from the internet and extracts the xxx filter dll to the system directory. Note that if the parameter bSilent = TRUE, then no user interface is displayed during the process.

Upon successful filter installation, this method will create a key

in the system registry for the filter that was installed.

For example, if LFCMP14S.DLL (LEAD CMP/JPEG filter) is installed:



You can delete this key from the registry in order to force re-installation of the filter.

See Also


SetFilterURL method